Delivery Process
Once you have made a purchase, we will either provide you with an activation code to remove the time-limitation from the product(s) you have downloaded, or a new download link to a full version of the product(s). You do not need to uninstall the demonstration version prior to installing the full version. For assistance with the registration/installation process, please contact our support staff.
Privacy and Security Policy
Shop with peace of mind! Collective Software uses SSL encryption to protect all customer-related information entered in the web store. No information is ever shared with any third party except for credit authorization and billing, or as required by law.
For your identity protection, we never retain credit card information after a purchase is made.
Licensing Information
Collective Software products are licensed on a simple per-server basis (unless otherwise noted). That is, for each ISA server you would need one license for the product.The number of sites/servers published through an ISA server and the number of client connections do not impact licensing. Each product requires its own license.
Upgrade Policy
Our policy is to offer free upgrades, patches, and bug fixes for the lifetime of the product. Major version changes (i.e. 1.x to 2.x) may be non-trivial to migrate, and you may wish to purchase professional support service hours for assistance. If you need help, please contact our support staff.
Return Policy
Collective Software uses a "try before you buy" system. Unless otherwise noted, all products may be downloaded and tried for free for 30 days. This policy is in place so that you may fully determine whether the product is suitable for your needs prior to making any purchase. During the evaluation period, there is no obligation to buy the product.
If you are for any reason not satisfied with your purchase, we will be happy to provide you with a refund within 30 days.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about our policies before you make a purchase.